About Me

Oh, where to begin? I'm 23 years old and with a bachelors in magazine design journalism behind me, I'm currently earning my masters in art education. My true passion is art and all that accompanies creativity and imagination. The smallest things in life make me happy: bubbles, sunsets, the sound of rain. I am mildly obsessed with umbrellas, birds, trees and lately bicycles. No, no, not the real deals, just art and decor incorporating them... There's more but why bore you with the details.

If you could peer far enough into the night sky, you'd see a star in any direction you looked. When would you sleep?

I would sleep soundly every night because I'd know that the next night the stars would still be there. I'd find comfort in knowing they'd always be there, like the shoulder of a good friend and the warm embrace of a loved one. The stars are the keepers of my dreams and I peacefully fall asleep knowing I can reach for them again even if clouds dim the glittered sky.