Tuesday, September 14, 2010

art in progress

For my Speak-inspired piece, I plan on combining magazine ads and typography to create an anti-ad or a collage that comments on ideologies, especially those of beauty. Often times in adolescence, well in our entire lives actually, society and our visual culture speak for us. They set the mold of how we are supposed to look, what beauty is and, essentially, who we are supposed to be. This starts at birth when we're put in a blue blanket or a pink one depending on our gender. Right from the start of our life we are subject to ideologies, and it gets worse as we grow up. Adolescents are the most sensitive to these "requirements" and often feel obligated to fulfill these unrealistic ideologies. With my piece I want to speak against these ideologies, speak about body image and loving yourself.

1 comment:

  1. this is a fabulous start abbey! I love it! Are you thinking about presenting these in a series? I love the torn edges as well!
